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Piccini is a family owned winery from Tuscany. It has lived through four generations and has rapidly become a recognised international brand, with a distribution channel to 80 countries.

The goal was to increase brand awareness among Chinese Millennials, who don't particularly drink wine. Our final solution was to create a curated wine tasting kit focused on a millennial subgroup the 'trendsetters'.


We approached the project with a 3C research plan.

Research Tool
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Through the data collected from probes and interviews, we could start creating user personas based on motivations and patterns of consumption. Through this process, three key personas appeared. the Connoisseurs, the Trendsetters and the followers.

Coding the Data

We found that everyone could be a trendsetter in their own way, but what makes that persona type unique is the high influence they have on their peers and immediate network.


We further looked into curation culture and the dynamics of the trendsetter.

3 Key Insights

Tastes of Piccini is a curated kit with a focus on wine pairings. It allows one to experience Piccini within the comfort of home.  As shown on the wine palate map, most michuppies like sweet, fruit-forward wines, while some prefer bolder flavours. We, therefore, wanted to push more bold and elegant wines to expand their palates. For example, we placed Chianti in every kit with a combination of lighter wines including Memoro Rosate, Orvieto Classico, and Prosecco.

Types of Kits
Kit Components

The kits contained small bottles of wine, stemless glasses, a wine-tasting card, regional food pairing infographics and postcards from Italy.

Cost of these Kits

We referred to Alibaba as a cheap vendor to source the materials for these kits.


I learnt the use of new tools to conduct user research. We learnt how to create a research probe which helped us collect more data from users. The accurate collection of information required coordination and planning. 

The analysis of the data was also challenging. Sometimes we had to look beyond what the data said, to what emotions lay behind it.


The best part of this project was consuming a copious amount of wine in order to find some inspiration!

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