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Lifestyle Probe

A research tool designed to provide an in-depth understanding of Chinese millennials, their food and drink consumption patterns and their lifestyle.. The probe was shared with 8 users across urban cities in China. We coined the term Michuppies for this target group - Millennial Chinese Urban Professionals

Fun Libs

The first method of data collection was called “Fun Libs”. We provided an informal structure, which is easier for the user to fill out. We used this for the demographic data which we needed from the users - Name, Age, Occupation, etc. 

Photo Journal 

We asked our users to place images of their food consumption through the day into this section of the probe. 


The user market the hours spent on particular activities in the calendar. The activities marked were :Sleep HoursGetting Ready Breakfast / Meal one of the dayCommute WorkLunch / Meal two of the dayDinner / Meal three of the dayLeisureEntertainment Socialisation 

WhatsApp Image 2017-11-27 at 10.29.43 PM.jpeg


The users filled out the diaries in any way they found appropriate. As some of it was in Chinese we had to work on translating the information to English. The stickers added in by some users were a fun touch to this probe. 


The questionnaire section of the probe was focused on preference for wine. 


Story Telling 

We asked our users to imagine a future scenario where they are drinking wine. We asked them to describe it in detail. Some of the answers we received were settings like one future wedding, and a game of Thrones theme party with wine. 

User Journey

The user filled out the journey map, based on how he first encountered wine, how he decided to purchase it, what was the experience like while drinking it, what did he feel while drinking it, and did he promote it further. 

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